Weather Observations :
Watkins MN Weather


Report for : 3/2021

Hi:77.4 F( Mar 29)Total Precip:2.14 in : (148.0 % of normal)Normal Monthly Precip1.45 in
Lo:4.2 F (Mar 01)Max Precip:0.74 (Mar 10) inHi Bar:30.531 (1033.91 hPa)  (Mar 12 - 9:30 A)
Avg Hi: 48.3 FTotal Snow:5.10 inLow Bar:29.174 (987.95 hPa)  (Mar 29 - 5:30 P)
Avg Lo:28.9 F Maximum Snow:2.50 (Mar 15) Mean Bar:30.057 in
Avg: 37.7 FDays with precip >= .0110Days with thunder:0
HDD:825.6Days with snow6  

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